
Happy Monday!

The last few days surrounded me with today’s word-of-the-week…


I’ve been working on the latest edit of the new book manuscript. The process has provided the opportunity to re-read, and vicariously re-experience, the story that unfolded exactly a year ago as we rolled along the Mississippi River. I’m overwhelmed as I understand how incredibly fortunate I am.

I trap myself a lot with “I have to…” I found myself saying things like “I have to finish these edits” or “I have to do a long training ride.”

Have to?

I get to do those things. I get to communicate with an amazing circle of folks (that’s you). I get to share an amazing story. I’m surrounded by blessings.

It’s so easy to focus on the struggle, the grind, the stuff that doesn’t go smoothly. I get so zeroed in on what’s wrong that I lose sight of all that’s good and right.

Life’s got its struggles, for sure. No sense denying the difficulties. But there’s also no sense in ignoring the joy that exists even in the midst of sorrow.

I’m blessed with amazing opportunities. So are you.

Let’s look around this week and see the blessings. And let’s say thank-you.

Have a great week.

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