Why Climb The Hill?

Why does someone ride a cycle up hills like this?

Better question: why did I climb this hill in West Virginia on a handcycle?

Becky shot this video from the car. My team was probably five miles ahead. You’ll notice that this was a dangerous road—too much traffic, no shoulder, and a very slow rider.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

I suppose some folks tackle challenges like this to prove they can do it. I understand, but that’s not what it’s about for me.

I enjoy riding, but there wasn’t much joy on this slope. On this day there wasn’t even much excitement in reaching the top, because all you could see was a steep decline and another tough climb.

One team member asked what I was thought about as I crawled up this hill. It’s a good question. Aside from wondering whether I’ll reach the top, I suppose I try to keep two things in mind.

First, I think about the people who helped me get to this point, those who’ve encouraged and supported me and kept me going when it would have been easy to quit.

Second, I think about those for whom I’m riding, the victims of oppression, injustice, and poverty. Those folks face adversity that’s much tougher than a hill, and I want to believe if I keep going I can make a difference in their lives.

For me, the hill is a symbol of the dream I’m following and the new thing God’s doing in my life.

What’s a hill you’re climbing? What keeps you going?

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