Happy Monday!
My post from Saturday (An Old Cross) thinking about today’s word-of-the-week…
I know, “step” is an odd focus for a guy in a wheelchair, but that’s not the kind of step I mean.
I’ve always been a highs-and-lows guy. As far back as I can remember life’s seemed like a series of peaks and valleys with little in-between. I’ve gained some perspective on that part of my personality, learned that at least a piece of it stems from ebbs and flows of clinical depression.
But whatever the cause, life’s always seemed to be a big leap forward or a long fall into the abyss. Mostly, I don’t think that’s reality. Life might seem like bounds and crashes, but following Jesus is really more like steps on a path.
I fashioned that simple wooden cross in the summer of 1981. As near as I can recall, I’ve carried it to about fourteen different places I’ve lived in the ensuing 31 years—and Becky and I and the cross have been in our current home since 2001. If you do a little math, that’s a lot of moving, a lot of searching, a lot of change and turmoil, a lot of highs and lows.
Through it all, the cross and Jesus have been there, constant, ready to take the next step on the path.
I don’t know the next step. Even when I do, I’m usually wrong. But life goes better when I take it a step or two at a time and trust the guide who knows the path.
Have a great week.