You’ll Never…

…love too much.

(Note: This week I’m  thinking about what I’d tell graduates at commencement.)

It’s awfully easy to go overboard, even with good things. Almost any idea or action, taken to extremes, will get you in trouble. Most of the time, moderation is the way to go.

I know of one clear, absolute exception:

You’ll never love too much.

A legal expert once tested Jesus (Matthew 22) by asking, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

In response, Jesus’ first word was, “Love…” Then He completed the thought.

“’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Love is the one thing about which we’re supposed to be extreme. Jesus tells us to put everything—heart, soul, and mind—into love.

I think Jesus frequently shakes His head as He watches me stumble along. I suspect He often asks, “What were you thinking?” as I get myself into yet another mess.

But I’m pretty certain He never says, “You loved too much in that situation.”

One caution: we overuse the word “love” until it almost loses any meaning. I love my wife, but I also love baseball and my dog. Let’s hope I express “love” for Becky and baseball differently. Otherwise I’ll be sleeping in the dog house.

Jesus referred to agape, the kind of sacrificial love that’s a decision rather than a feeling. Your heart, soul, and mind were made to be filled with agape.

You’ll make lots of mistakes. Even when you try to do it right, you’ll miss the mark. Give yourself lots of grace. Get used to messing up, because it’s part of life. But…

You’ll never love too much.

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