Why Was He Scared?

Do you believe Jesus was really frightened as He anticipated the cross?

I do. When you literally sweat blood, I think you’re scared.

But what frightened Him so intensely?  He was about to be savagely beaten, tortured, and humiliated, and as God He saw every horrific detail in advance. Anticipation of that sort of excruciating physical pain would frighten anyone beyond description.

But I don’t think physical suffering was Jesus’ worst fear. I think He knew He was about to experience something beyond human pain.

I believe He knew He would experience separation from God. However it happened, however long it lasted, He knew He’d be away from God’s presence.

From the beginning, throughout eternity, Jesus lived in relationship with His Father. He always knew the perfect presence of love and light. And I think He knew He was about to experience what it was like to be outside that relationship.

I understand some of the theological debate about this point. But for me it makes sense that Jesus surrendered the most precious thing possible: unity with God. That’s death, that’s darkness. That’s what He came to save me from, and to do that He took my place and experienced what I deserved.

Jesus confronted His worst fear, and faced it willingly. He could have chosen another path, but He chose sacrifice and love for me and you.

Jesus chose courage on Good Friday.

“Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

I can take courage. I can face my fears. He’s here.

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