
Happy Monday!

This weekend reminded me of an uncomfortable word-of-the-week…


One of the cool things about speaking to different groups is worshipping in a variety of churches. I find it refreshing to remember that Jesus is worshipped in many different ways. Ministers wear robes, pastors wear blue jeans. Electric guitars, pipe organs, pianos, old hymns, modern praise anthems—they all give glory to the same God.

It’s cool, these differences, but it’s also sad. It’s sad because the differences are so frequently the focus. They’re trumpeted, highlighted like some badge of honor. It happens in my church as well.

And that’s sad, because it’s all about what divides. And that shouldn’t be what it’s about at all.

I suspect that if we made a list of what nearly all followers of Jesus have in common, that list would be very long. So why do we search for an item or two on which we disagree, draw a line in concrete, and use that line to divide and identify us?

I think Jesus cares about right and wrong theology.

I think He’s sad when His followers divide themselves.

Have a great week.

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