
Happy Monday!

I wish I could get a better handle on today’s word-of-the-week…


I learned today that a friend recently suffered a serious injury that threatens his professional future. His response was gratitude, not for the injury but for doctors and for his friends and family. It’s a great example of action and attitude aligned with principles.

I admire that sort of faith. I know I wouldn’t have reacted with that sort of grace, though I know it’s exactly right.

Sometimes I wonder if I really believe what I claim to believe. I wonder that when there’s such a huge disconnect between belief and behavior. Seems like this faith ought to impact my actions more than it does.

Sometimes I seem to make no progress at all toward integrating personal conduct and faith. I’m thankful for grace, but I sure wish I could do a bit better.

Not the most uplifting way to begin the week, but sometimes that’s just the way it is.

Have a great week.

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