Too Busy

Happy Saturday.

Have you ever lamented the “busyness” of the Christmas season?

I see those heads nodding. We’ve all done it. Regardless of how much we enjoy the parties and lights and gifts, no matter how much we strive to keep Jesus at the center of our celebration, the season gets busy.

My friend Jim sent this reminder about “being too busy” a few days ago.

There once was a small town that had only one chapel where everyone went to pray every Sunday. One day the devil, dressed as a wealthy philanthropist, came to town and donated a beautiful bell for the heretofore-empty steeple.

It seems that the poor townspeople owned no watches or clocks. Since there was no church bell, they gathered early and waited around for services to begin. Men and women sat under trees, visiting with one another while their children played. They discussed who was sick, what babies had been born, whose tractor was broken down, and so on.

Later in the week it was not unusual for the farmer with the broken tractor to have neighbors show up on their own tractors, ready for work. And young mothers were visited by older mothers, sweeping, cooking, and cleaning.

After the bell was installed no one arrived at the church yard until the bell tolled—no visiting before services and no help the following week.

Everyone was just too busy …

It’s not about tinsel and glitter. It’s not about getting the shopping done.

My enemy does everything possible to divert my attention. It’s about people and relationships. And it’s especially about one person and one relationship.

I hope we’re not too busy for Jesus.

Merry Christmas.

Have a great…and restful…weekend.

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