Between Here And Now

“What did you learn—what’s the take-away?”

I get that question a lot as I tell stories from Rich’s Ride.

I’m still processing the answer. I’m not sure I’ve generated any earth-shattering insights—mostly it’s stuff I already knew and needed to be reminded about.

Here’s one principle that challenges me as I think about where this project should go next:

I’m responsible for doing what I can, where I am, with what I have.

I’ll bet I’m not the only person who wonders when “they” will stop being so greedy, quit bickering, and use their resources to actually help the situation.

After all, what can I do? I’m just one old bald guy in a wheelchair. How can little-old-me have any meaningful impact?

Of course we all know that’s a lie, a great way to avoid responsibility. As long as I accept that lie, I’m off the hook. I’ll never make a difference.

Rich’s Ride proves that one dream can attract a circle of committed supporters. And that kind of circle can accomplish something remarkable.

Here’s a music video from a band called Stars Go Dim. They’re doing what they can with what they have to raise $12,000 in 12 days to support Convoy of Hope.

If you can’t see the video, click here.

I encourage you to check out the group’s web site and learn more about what they’re doing to support Convoy of Hope.

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Cyber Monday

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