I Want To Change The World

Don’t you?

Have you ever thought you’d like to do something really big, make a truly significant impact on some important problem?

And if you’re like me, you look at issues like war and poverty and human trafficking and see overwhelming numbers. And you’re only one person with limited resources, so you give up.

What difference can I possibly make?

I get that it’s important to do what you can with what you have, that the world changes one person at a time. I understand that every small act performed with love has great power.

But don’t you wish that, just once, you could make that noticeable dent in some horrible problem?

I believe that, together, we have that opportunity right in front of us.

Over the next eight weeks I’m cranking my hand cycle 1500 miles. Pledges and donations for the project go to Convoy Of Hope and will feed hungry children around the world. Corporate sponsors have generously offered to match—dollar for dollar—our contributions.

Suppose that together we could find 10,000 people who’d contribute a penny per mile. 10,000 isn’t a big number in the world of Facebook and Twitter and Youtube. 10,000 isn’t a very big circle in Internet terms. But 10,000 people with the corporate match would raise $300,000.

Imagine what would happen if all of us decided to make this project “go viral.” What if we all spent significant time online during the next eight weeks spreading the word about this opportunity? What if the circle got REALLY big?

I don’t imagine that we’d end childhood hunger. But we’d make a dent, perhaps a big dent. Together, we’d make a difference.

I think we might change the world.

Rich’s Ride isn’t about money. It’s about a dream, and about sharing that dream.

But changing the world isn’t such a bad dream. You can’t do it by yourself; neither can I. Maybe, if we all do a little, together we can.

I’m going to do all I can to let people know about this opportunity. I’m not doing it because I want attention.

I want us to change the world.

Are you in?

TWO BLOGS—a note

I’m posting this on both Bouncing Back and Rich’s Ride. If you’re subscribed to both blogs, thanks for your support. Please accept my apology for this duplicate post. I thought it was important.

I hope you’ll subscribe to receive Rich’s Ride blog updates, join our Facebook page, and do whatever you can to encourage others to become part of the circle.

Changing the world could be a lot of fun.

During the ride I intend to maintain both blogs. I hope you’ll be gracious if I miss a deadline occasionally.

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