All I Can Do Is Pray

 “I’m not sure what I can do to help. All I can do it pray.”

I’ve heard that dozens of times in conversations about Rich’s Ride. I’ve said it myself—I’ll bet you have as well.

The implication is that we’d like to do something real, something that would actually help. But if we can’t think of anything that will make a real difference, at least we can pray.

I have two thoughts, and you may disagree with both. That’s okay.


First, when we think like that I believe we get it exactly backward. Prayer is the first, most important thing we can do in any circumstance.

Prayer connects us to God. When we pray for each other, we’re somehow interconnected as well. I don’t know how that works, but I believe it does and I believe it matters.

Dozens of people pray faithfully about this project. Becky and I sense that connection and support. It’s supernatural and powerful and it expands the circle around this ride in a real and significant way.

I sincerely hope that nobody thinks “all they can do is pray.”


I absolutely believe God can, and does, intervene in specific circumstances. I also know that while I pray for sunshine a farmer prays for rain.

So I’m more inclined to ask God for a continued sense of His presence. I tell Him my specific needs, not so much because I expect results in accord with my desires but as a way of being open and vulnerable. To me, it’s the conversation that matters.

I believe God answers every single prayer. I believe He always says, “I’m here.”

That’s all I want.

Well, that and a nice warm tailwind.

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