Who Needs To Know?

I’m uncomfortable with self-promotion.

I don’t want to be that guy—you know, the one who always seems to be shouting LOOK AT ME! In fact, mostly I want you to look at someone else.

This whole Rich’s Ride thing began as a personal, private dream. I wanted to do an extended long-distance ride. It was all about me and my goal. That felt pretty comfortable. Insane, but safe.

Problem is, God’s not all that concerned with my personal comfort level. He wants me to trust Him enough to step into discomfort.

I’m just riding my bike. It’s my thing—why turn it into such a big deal? Why all the promotion and publicity? Why get others involved? Why does anyone else need to know?

Good questions. I’ve asked them frequently as this endeavor grows into something bigger than I ever imagined.

The best answer I can provide is another question:

Who needs to know…

…that hope is real?

…that it’s possible to survive and thrive in the face of horrible adversity?

…that what seems like the end is really just the beginning?

…that you can confront fear and move forward?

…that God is faithful even when we’re not?

…that it’s possible to pursue God-sized dreams?

…that starving children, around the world and in our own communities, need our help?

…that together we can do something about it?

Who needs to know …that hope changes what’s possible?

I think a lot of folks need to know these things, and I don’t think God wants me to sit around and expect someone else to tell them.

Who can you tell about Rich’s Ride? Who can you invite into the circle? Who needs encouragement? Who might be inspired by this story? Who would donate a penny per mile?

Who needs to know?

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