Happy Monday.
Today I’m wondering if I chose the correct word-of-the-week…
Here’s what prompted this word—I was flipping television channels and heard this question asked of a guest on a talk show:
Are you really serious about this Christianity stuff?
The interviewer was trying to poke holes in Christian theology using tired old arguments, so I flipped on to something meaningful like sports scores. But if you think about it, the question’s not such a bad one to ask ourselves:
Am I really serious about this Christianity stuff?
Of course I’m serious about it. It’s not even a real question, right?
Then I thought about how I compartmentalize my life, how often I put Jesus over here in the spiritual corner and finances or politics or other parts of life over there in the “real life” corner.
I know better. I know I can’t really follow Jesus as long as I try to keep Him out of particular parts of my life. Following Him is an all-or-nothing deal.
So, knowing that, maybe it’s not bad to begin the week with sort of a basic question:
Are you really serious about this Christianity stuff?
I am. But I need some serious help; I need help getting serious about taking this Christianity stuff seriously.
Have a great week.