God STILL Works For Good In ALL Things—An Interview

My friend Jon Swanson is helping me promote  the video for Rich’s Ride.

Jon recently interviewed me for 300wordsaday. We’re running the interview on both sites today along with a fun little contest.

More about the contest (along with the video) at the end of the article.

First, here’s the interview.

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1. How does watching a video give people water? 

Invacare/TopEnd sponsors the Real Life video contest to raise awareness about the impact of adaptive equipment. Based on total views (top 15 reach finals), the $6000 prize would benefit Blood:Water Mission, the clean water initiative founded by Christian music group Jars of Clay.

$1 provides one year of water for one person, so watch and share.

2. You are pretty vulnerable in this video about your struggles. How hard is that kind of honesty?

I’d rather brag about triumphs.

I’m convinced God equipped me to tell my real story, which includes failures. The challenge is being vulnerable without seeking the title “most pathetic Christian.”

You said it recently—confession’s easy. Repentance, turning around—that’s the hard, daily grind.

3. I’ll be vulnerable. I don’t do anything for exercise. And then I watch you riding the huge distances and think, “Jon, you lazy blogger.” Could riding do anything for me?

Exercise benefits everyone—even bloggers—physically and spiritually.

In the depression following my injury, the handcycle was a special gift from God. He used a common activity to help me discover hope and see that life still contained purpose. He used it to topple carefully-constructed walls of isolation and convince me that I could still dream God-sized dreams.

God used the handcycle to tangibly demonstrate that He causes all things to work together for good—even when I can’t see it. (Romans 8:28)

4. Is there anything you wanted to say in the video and didn’t?

The original video placed credit where it belonged—with God. The revised version conforms to contest guidelines regarding content.

I’m uncomfortable with “Rich’s Ride.” It’s not about me, but marketing folks say it’s effective.

5. You’ve been going through a lot of pain the past couple months. How are you feeling now? How’s your heart? 

The physical discomfort is a minor irritation. I’m feeling fine.

The potential impact on my dream is heart-painful and discouraging. I’ve questioned whether God’s telling me to cancel the project, whether He’s teaching me something, or whether the enemy’s attempting to derail me.

I want to avoid tempting, simplistic, pat responses. I’m trying to talk to Him. I’m not good at listening. Perhaps that’s my intended lesson.

I still believe in the dream He provided. I hope we honor Him in pursuing it.

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Now for the fun part.

We’d appreciate your help in spreading the word about this video. As an incentive, we have five pairs of books to give away. Each lucky winner will receive A Million Miles In A Thousand Years by Donald Miller and Relentless Grace by Rich Dixon.

First you have to watch the video.

(If you can’t see the video, click here.)

Here’s how to enter:

  • Leave a comment at the end of this post. Your comment is a signal that you’ve watched the video and shared a link to this post via Facebook, Twitter, email, carrier pigeon, and any other method to which you have access.
  • In your comment, share your idea for a catchy, creative tagline for Rich’s Ride. So far we’ve tried:
    • Rich’s Ride: 1500 miles for hope
    • Rich’s Ride: Life moves on

We’re betting you can come up with something better. We’ll select five winners on Friday, June 17, 2011 and contact them via email for shipping instructions.

Thanks for your help. More than that—thanks for being here.

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