
Happy Monday!

I‘m inviting you to travel back to about age 4 to experience today’s word-of-the-week…


Can you recall that Christmas morning feeling when you were around four years old, when you were so excited you couldn’t wait to see what was under the tree? You remember—that I-gotta-see-it-right-now-or-I’m-gonna-have-a-heart-attack feeling?

That’s sort of how I’m feeling this morning, and I’d like you to reminisce and share a bit of the giddiness with me.

If you’re a regular reader, you know I haven’t been able to ride my hand cycle for nearly six weeks. I’m supposed to wait another week, but today I’m sneaking down to Denver to be fitted for a spiffy cutting-edge hand cycle. Top End has generously offered a partial sponsorship of the bike ride project, so I’m receiving VIP treatment.

I’m excited for two reasons. First, you know about guys and their toys. Nothing brings back that little-kid-Christmas feeling like a shiny new bike. I guess I should pretend to be a little more grown up about it, but the fact is that I just can’t wait!

Now add the fact that I’m being a bit naughty and bending the doctor’s rules. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Life has a way of getting awfully serious. Sometimes a little giddiness is a good thing.

Maybe that’s a good way to begin the week. Take yourself back to a time when you were so excited you couldn’t control your giddiness.

Savor it.

Have a great week.

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