Perfect Love

What’s the most significant event of Good Friday for you?

So much happened to Jesus on that first Good Friday.

Betrayal, false accusations, illegal trials, denial by friends, beatings, public humiliation, the torturous pain of crucifixion.

An awful, terrible, no-way-to-describe-the-horror sequence of events, endured by a completely innocent man with the power to avoid it all with a word. I can’t imagine it, don’t understand it, and can only be grateful for it.

But I find myself transfixed by a mystery from day that no one understands. Some folks claim to know. Theologians argue, scripture supports different views. I’ve got my ideas, so do you. But let’s let go of those for a moment, because whatever happened is beyond our understanding anyway.

On that first Good Friday, something happened that had NEVER occurred before, and never will occur again, in all of eternity.

What’s the event?

Somehow, some way, there was a disruption in the trinity.

We can’t possibly understand the specifics. But something happened. A perfect eternal relationship that had always existed was shattered—some say for an instant, some say for three days. I don’t think it matters. What matters is that Jesus freely chose to disrupt His perfect eternal connection with His Father—for me.

We focus on the physical pain of the crucifixion, with good reason.  But I sense that perhaps the real pain, the spiritual torture, had nothing to do with nails or beatings. Jesus’ entire identity derived from His union with God in the Trinity; that’s what He sacrificed, in some mysterious way, for me.

I know how much I want to be united with God, and I’m not even sure I truly understand what that means. What did it take to voluntarily give it up? What did it take for Jesus to do something like that for me?

Perfect love. That’s the point of Good Friday.

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