God In Ordinary Stuff

Do miracles always look miraculous?

I’m having a bit of fun today with a serious topic.

The folks who are helping me promote the bike ride project challenged me to explain the connection between recovery and hand cycle and God and this crazy dream—in a two-minute video.

I’ve gained great respect for those who convey an entire brand message in a thirty second commercial. It’s not as easy as it looks.

This video mini-challenge has me asking if God uses things like hand cycles to reach people like me. What do you think?

I’ve frequently told audiences that the hand cycle changed my life. I believe that, but it goes deeper.

I think the hand cycle was a gift from God. I think He used it to show me that life wasn’t over, that I could still discover meaning and fulfillment. I think it was His way of showing me that hope and dreams didn’t depend on working legs.

Lots of folks would see this as a stretch. It’s a hand cycle, and that’s all. They’d say I’m taking an ordinary object and an ordinary event and twisting it to get God into it. Maybe.

But I think He works mostly through ordinary people and events. Once in a while He speaks from a burning bush or walks on water. But usually He just shows up in the normal stuff.

I think when I look at the course of my recovery I see God’s hand at work. I can’t prove it, and it’s okay if someone else sees it differently.

It’s enough to know what I experienced. Now I just have to figure out how to explain it in two minutes.

Can you think of a time when God used something ordinary to touch you in an extraordinary way?

As a tease—there have been a couple of truly amazing developments regarding the ride. I can’t disclose details yet, but hopefully it’ll be just a few days. Exciting stuff!

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