Merry Christmas

Happy Monday-before-Christmas!

Today I’m breaking with tradition. Instead of a word, I’m proposing a phrase-of-the-week …

Merry Christmas!

My odd sense of humor always finds a chuckle in the debate between the “Merry Christmas” crowd and the “Happy Holidays” advocates.

I’m a solid “Merry Christmas” guy. I refuse to back off. No “Season’s Greetings” from me. But here’s the key:

I’m not mad about it!

I understand why businesses avoid religious phrases. I get that for many folks this is just another holiday, a time for football, or a season to sell stuff. I think they’re missing something that’s pretty important, but their choices don’t offend me.

I’m not upset that government buildings don’t display nativity scenes. If every house that claims to follow Jesus had their own nativity scene, we’d have more plastic sheep and wooden shepherds than we could admire in a year.

I’m pleased when someone wishes me “Happy Holidays.” I hope their wish comes true. In return they receive an intentional smile and the friendliest MERRY CHRISTMAS I can muster.

I’ve surrendered the pretense that this cultural madness has anything to do with Jesus’ birth. As Jon Swanson points out, most of a so-called “traditional Christmas” doesn’t reflect what happened on the night He entered the world.

For me, this is a time to celebrate God’s gift of salvation. It’s also a magical cultural holiday, and I love Santa and lights and decorated trees and gifts.

I just don’t want to pretend that the two notions have much of a connection. And I certainly don’t want to pick a fight with folks who see it differently.

I’m pretty sure the first Christmas—the one that matters—wasn’t about fighting.


Have a great week! Travel safely, and I wish you a time filled the peace and joy.


Relentless Grace: now for Amazon Kindle

And hey—speaking of selling stuff: Relentless Grace is now available as a Kindle ebook. They tell me that Amazon will sell about a gazillion new Kindles this year. If you know someone who’s getting one, maybe you can add the gift  Relentless Grace as a Kindle ebook. Click here to order.

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