
Happy Monday. Today’s word-of-the-week won’t surprise anyone in the U.S. It election season, and I’m really tired of political…


Am I the only person who’s frustrated with the endless exaggerations, half-truths, and personal attacks that pass for political dialogue?

I know—why don’t I just avoid or ignore them? Actually, I mostly do just that. But even the relatively small sample I encounter is sufficient to cause dismay.

Since I don’t want this to degenerate into a useless rant, I’ll address the question I find most disturbing.

How do those who follow Jesus justify their participation in this horrible stream of name-calling, lies, and hatred?

I’m pretty reluctant to speak for Jesus, especially in regard to the actions of others. I need to get that 2×4 out of my own eye.

But I’m absolutely certain that Jesus is saddened by the involvement of His followers in this negative, win-at-all-costs process. It’s totally counter to the principles of His teaching.

I do not believe Jesus carried a cross to a horrible death so His followers would invoke His name to promote hate. He died for every one of the individuals, on BOTH sides, who are so blindly attacked in this nasty process.

I believe He directs us to follow Him, win or lose. I believe He rather have us lose in faithfulness to His principles than win by adopting the world’s tactics.

Am I wrong?

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