
Happy Monday. Around here we’ve got our first snow on the ground—time to get the winter tires on the wheelchair. This edition of word-of-the-week has me thinking about…


Abundance is an attitude, and it doesn’t come easily or naturally to me.

I grew up in a home of scarcity. Our scarcity wasn’t material—it was much worse. We seemed to live beneath a cloud of undefined fear that there would never quite be enough.

I’m trying to learn that an attitude of true abundance doesn’t rest in the security of a warm house or a nice car. It’s got little to do with a bank account. It isn’t even about family and friends.

I am certainly thankful for the people and things with which I’ve been richly blessed. I’m also thinking that they have little to do with a sincere abundance mentality.

Jesus said He came to bring a full, abundant life [John 10:10]. I’m pretty sure He referred to something beyond what I think about when Thanksgiving rolls around. I’m thankful for many blessings, but somehow I suspect those aren’t the markers of abundance for which Jesus sacrificed so much.

Does this notion make any sense? Do you understand abundance that isn’t about what we have or don’t have?

I’m thinking and perhaps writing about abundance this week. Together, perhaps we can get at what it means to really live a full, abundant life.

What marks an attitude of abundance? How is this different from “being thankful”?

I wish us all a week of abundance. By Friday, maybe I’ll understand better what that means.

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