Who’s Running The Show?

**This article is a re-post from March 9, 2009. I’m re-visiting the archives while my wife and I enjoy a few days of vacation.

1278053_follow_my_leadDo you ever get the feeling that you’re somehow supposed to be in charge?

Occasionally I let myself get overwhelmed by the awesome responsibility of representing Christ in the world. When I think about letting my actions speak for me, I’m afraid that I’m not happy with the message communicated by my behaviors.

I think we get a bit too impressed with ourselves. We buy the American message that God helps those who help themselves (Benjamin Franklin). We want to seize the helm and guide the ship in the right direction. Somehow I believe that I’m responsible, that God’s work won’t get accomplished unless I make it happen.

In one sense, that’s correct. It’s my job to be “Jesus with skin on” to everyone I meet. I am the person He sent onto my particular path, and it’s not okay to let opportunities pass by to share Jesus’ love.

But there’s a huge difference in emphasis. I need to between accept responsibility for my own behaviors and how those behaviors represent Christ. But I don’t need to save the world—that job’s done. God’s purposes will be accomplished despite my failures and mistakes. He’s in control.

I think this is such an important distinction because a sense of guilt results when we take too much upon our shoulders. God understands our weaknesses and limitations. He doesn’t ask us to do it all, only to do what we can, acknowledge our mistakes, and move forward in love. He’s got the ship firmly in His control.

I think He expects our best, but not more. We must remember the basic truths about our role as creature rather than Creator.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

Don’t fall into feeling guilty when you fail. Don’t fall into feeling guilty when you miss an opportunity to express Jesus’ love. Don’t fall into feeling guilty about not doing more to save the world.

In fact, don’t fall into feeling guilty—period! Nothing you can do can make God love you one bit more or less. That’s what makes us free, and it’s also a wonderfully mysterious paradox. As soon as you stop feeling guilty because you don’t do everything, you’re immediately empowered to do more than you ever imagined!

What’s a failure you need to release to Jesus?

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