
Another week. Another opportunity to make a difference, to be generous, to matter.

Another word-of-the-week:


What inspires you?

I’m inspired when I see someone take a risk, overcome obstacles, and accomplish something great. That sort if example makes me want to step out of the shadows of my tendency to seek safety and predictability.

Inspiration comes from the same root word as respiration. To inspire is to literally breathe life into yourself or another.

Inspiration drives us to seek higher purposes, to be our best selves. It encourages us to dream impossible dreams and aspire to goals that seem beyond our reach.

Motivation is different. Motivation is the drive that pushes us to do the work. We can be motivated by positive elements like generosity and service, but motivation can also arise from negative sources. Fear and threats motivate, as do intimidation, guilt, and pain. Greed, selfishness, and materialism are powerful motivators.

Leaders inspire. They literally breathe life into others and prompt a desire to be their best selves. Leaders speak and act in such powerful ways that others want to follow.

Let’s seek powerful sources of inspiration this week. Even better, let’s find ways to inspire those around us.

Who will inspire you this week? Who’s looking to you for inspiration?

This is also Word-of-Mouth Day, when I kindly inspire (or, from your perspective, pester) you to help spread the word about Bouncing Back. I’d appreciate it if you’d take a moment to do one of the following:

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Thanks for all of your help and support. Word of mouth is the BEST word of all.

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