
The-StruggleHappy Monday! Welcome to word-of-the-week day at Bouncing Back.

Today’s word is:


Whatever the struggle, continue the climb.
It may be only one step to the summit.
Diane Westlake

As a teacher, I often joked with kids that if they were as creative and persistent in doing the work as they were in avoiding it, they would achieve amazing results.

I think we’re all a bit like that. I put a lot of effort into avoiding struggle. Given the choice, I rarely choose the more difficult path.

But we all know the easy route usually doesn’t get you to the best destination. So if I want to accomplish important goals, struggle is going to be part of the equation.

My dictionary defines struggle as to proceed with difficulty or with great effort.

When I think about struggle, I tend to focus on “difficulty” and “great effort,” But the key word here is “proceed.” Even when it’s tough, I need to continue.

Difficulty’s part of the deal. Worthwhile stuff requires effort. Once I accept those facts of life, I can remove my eyes from the struggle and focus on reaching the destination. Like my students, I can re-direct my energy toward reaching the goal.

Then I can proceed.

It’s better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for. Paulo Coelho

What’s a struggle you need to accept so you can proceed in pursuit of your dream?

This is also Word-of-Mouth Day, when I kindly encourage (or, from your perspective, pester) you to help spread the word about Bouncing Back.
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Thanks for all of your help and support. Word of mouth is the BEST word of all.

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