
Monday is word-or-the-week day here at Bouncing Back. Today’s word is …


I’ve been watching a lot of different Olympic events. I don’t get all that excited about the well-known athletes. The thing about the Olympics is the athletes who are there making huge sacrifices, taking risks, for a simple reason: they’re chasing a dream.

They’re never going to be famous or make a lot of money as athletes. No medals, little or no media attention. Most of the fans will never notice them. Except for family and friends, no one will know their results.

They are there because they had a dream that was worth more than anything else to them.

I really admire people who pursue their dream. Most of us wish we could do some particular something, but we allow life to get in the way.

Watch one of the obscure Olympic events—like curling. Pick out an athlete who’ll be back at a regular job in a few days. Consider the thousands of hours of practice and training.

Think about the pure joy and satisfaction of achieving a dream.

What’s your dream?

This is also Word-of-Mouth Day, when I kindly encourage (or, from your perspective, pester) you to help spread the word about Bouncing Back.

Today’s suggestion:

Join the Relentless Grace Facebook fan page. You can click the link, become a fan, write a comment on the wall, and suggest that your Facebook buddies also become fans.

Thanks for all of your help and support. Word of mouth is the BEST word of all.

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