
Happy Monday!

It’s the beginning of a new week, a new year, and even a new decade—just in case you didn’t know. So, since everything else is new, we’re going to try a new Monday feature for Bouncing Back. I’m creatively calling it our WORD OF THE WEEK.

The idea is to simply put a word out there to stimulate our thinking at the beginning of the week. I’ll offer my brief thoughts and hope that you’ll share your reaction in the comments below. So, here’s our very first word of the week.


Courage is the willingness to act for the right, regardless of risk to self. (borrowed from Gus Lee)

It’s a simple concept with powerful implications for every aspect of our lives. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage confronts fears with action for whatever’s right as we understand it. I hope we all find and seize opportunities to demonstrate courage.

What’s one situation in which you can choose this week to act courageously?

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

This is also Word-of-Mouth Day, when I kindly encourage (or, from your perspective, pester) you to help spread the word about Bouncing Back.

Forward the link to someone who might be interested.

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Thanks for all of your help and support. Word of mouth is the BEST word of all.


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Courage–A Visit With Gus Lee

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