What’s Going To Happen?

circlesWhat will happen in 2010?

The only answer, of course, is that we have no idea what will happen. And, to a large extent, we can’t control many of the events that will shape our lives in the next twelve months—or the next twelve hours.

We can control only our attitudes and our efforts, the way we approach and view people and events. And that’s where goals can impact our experience moving forward.

Seth Godin is one of my favorite writers. I like his attitude toward goals and risks, which he explains in more depth in this detailed account.

Last time I talked about Setting The Stage For Success and one of my big goals for 2010. I’m sure the details aren’t all that important to you, but I hope that you’ll be encouraged to consider your own goals.

Frankly, I’m also sharing these goals because I need your help to accomplish them.

The keyword for my second major goal is circle because it involves expanding and deepening the conversation associated with Bouncing Back.


I’ve explained before that I think of this community as a circle (Defining The Circle). Actually, it’s really more like a group of intersecting circles. Some folks come here to interact about faith issues, some focus more on the disability articles, and so on. My goal involves bringing more folks into the circle and connecting all of us in an interesting conversation.

Bouncing Back isn’t a big blog. Many sites get more hits in a day than we get in a year, but that’s not the point. I’m not seeking a huge community, but rather the right community. So if you know folks who might like to join us, please take a moment to steer them this way.

So now I have two words for 2010, circle and workshop, with one or two more to come.

But that’s not really the point. What are your goals? What are your hopes and dreams for the coming months, and how will you make them happen? Is my process making sense? Do you have other ideas? I’d love to hear where you’re going.

What are your big words for 2010?


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Setting The Stage For Success

Defining The Circle

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