How To Change The World

None of us can do anything great on our own, but we can all do a small thing with great love. Mother Teresa

3CTCoverSmallI believe Mother Teresa would agree that no act of great love is ever truly a “small thing.”

I recently had the privilege of hearing Greg Mortenson talk about the story of Three Cups of Tea. Greg’s story inspires and motivates. He’s living proof that one man can make a huge difference.

Greg caught a vision, and decided to raise money to build a school in a remote area of northern Pakistan. His grassroots efforts have currently established 78 schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan and brought liberty through literacy to thousands of children. He’s produced a mega best-selling book, and he speaks to military and political leaders.

I think we can all learn much about passion and courage from this tale, but I also think there’s danger in Greg’s message. To anyone who’s inspired but also overwhelmed by his story, I’d offer this sage advice: you don’t have to be a world-changer to change the world.

I fear that many people hear and admire Greg’s story, but nothing really changes for them. They’re so sure they could never do something so amazing and world-changing, so they do nothing.

There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, setting out to accomplish a project so overwhelming (like The Crazy Quest) that people question your sanity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Each of us can change the world right where we are right now. In Mother Teresa’s words, we do great things when we do everyday things with great love.

Greg’s legacy was shaped by teachers and parents and friends who simply did their jobs. It was spurred by kids tossing pennies in a jar to support Pennies For Peace. Like all great accomplishments, it happened because a lot of people played their part, right where they happened to be. Individually, none of them looks like a world-changer, but collectively they changed the world. That’s how it works.

The world needs passionate cooks and firefighters and soldiers and teachers who value every person. We need people who fulfill their daily responsibilities with great love.

I believe that God cares much less about what I do than with how I do it. I believe that He values consistent character above fame and accomplishment.

The people and circumstances I encounter are important. I change the world by representing Jesus and His love right here, right now.

How can you change the world today?

When your heart speaks, take good notes. Greg Mortenson

Powerful idea: Michael Peterson wrote a moving essay that captures the heart of this idea. 


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