Keeping Stuff Safe

Keeping stuff safe isn’t God’s plan.

I attended the Global Leadership Summit (GLS) last week, an amazing opportunity to learn about leadership from a few influential leaders. Two days, far two much information to absorb, there’s only one way to avoid feeling overwhelmed. In such circumstances, I look for patterns.

If you believe God’s involved in the organization of such a gathering (I do) you must believe the collection of speakers isn’t random. You must imagine that beneath all the different messages and perspectives might be some deeper themes which the speakers themselves might not even recognize.

One such theme that emerged time and again as a leadership principle.

Keeping stuff safe isn’t God’s plan.

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Don’t let fear of losing what you have cause you to lose what God has for you. ~ John Maxwell

It’s one of those statements that, when I hear it, I have a hard time hearing what’s next.

I wonder how often you and I use Count the cost as an excuse to cling to perceived safety. How often do we hang onto old ideas, habits, processes, and material stuff because they provide the illusion of comfort?

A big conference like GLS conveys the danger of anonymity. It’s easy to leave and think I sure hope THOSE PEOPLE take that message seriously. I hope THEY make some changes in their leadership.

The problem, of course, is there is no they. Them is us.

You and I drink from wells we didn’t dig. I enjoy the fruits of the incredible privilege into which I was born. If I’m honest, what I call “sacrifice” is often simply handing over a portion of my leftovers.

Maxwell’s challenge recalls a favorite question: Do I really believe what I believe?

In my own life and as a leader of the FREEDOM TOUR, three questions challenge me. I invite you to allow yourself to be challenged as well.

Do we believe God has something great in mind for us?

Do we fear losing what we have?

Will we allow that fear to keep us from seeking what God has for us?


1 thought on “Keeping Stuff Safe

  1. Rich's Ride - August 16, 2016

    […] At Global Leadership Summit (GLS) I heard some themes woven into many of the messages. Last time I said Keeping stuff safe isn’t God’s plan.  […]

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