How do we bring people to Jesus? I saw an article that identified Facebook as perhaps the largest untapped mission field. The writer suggested that churches ought to develop systematic ways to reach people through social media. I’d suggest that most nonbelievers don’t get their impressions of Jesus from church programs and systems. Those folks […]
Continue readingCategory: Living On Purpose
What If Scripture Is A Participation Sport?
Have you ever questioned an expert’s version of “what the bible says”? Yesterday I compared church to a football game: a lot of people who desperately need exercise sit around and watch a small group of people who desperately need rest. We’re especially in that mode when it comes to interpreting scripture. We often accept […]
Continue readingCan Our Rights Be Wrong?
“I have the right to ______.” You fill in the blank—the possibilities are nearly endless. We’re all about defending and demanding our rights. A few days ago I read an article about human trafficking in which the author cited compelling data linking prostitution, pornography, and the meteoric increase in internet trafficking of minors. In a […]
Continue readingOne Pesky Word Changes A Lot
I used to think preachers were bragging a little when they talked about Greek or Hebrew translation. Frankly,I figured it was one way of quashing disagreement and showing who’s really the expert. But as I learn, I’m amazed at how frequently a careful look at original words reveals a different understanding of an important point […]
Continue readingCan You Answer This Trick Question?
“What’s the central goal of one who follows Jesus?” Our Bible study asks trick questions. Seems like we ought to know the answer to this one, right? We go to church, read the Bible, listen to the sermons, pray occasionally—we should at least know the main target, shouldn’t we? So before you read any more, […]
Continue readingMaybe It’s Pretty Simple
Yesterday the guys in my workshop talked about fear. We looked at a hierarchy of spiritual needs and I asked them to list fears that came to mind if those needs weren’t met. The idea was to help each guy identify where he was in the hierarchy. The exercise proceeded pretty much as I expected, […]
Continue readingWhen Is It Not Really Following?
Imagine living the dream. You’ve established a stable, sustainable family business. You create good jobs, pay taxes, and tithe to the local church. You’re able to provide for your family and give generously to others who aren’t so fortunate. You work hard, and that’s okay. You’re thankful to God for the opportunities and blessings He’s […]
Continue readingServe
HAPPY MONDAY! I feel compelled to comment on today’s word-of-the-week… SERVE Jesus told a story we know as the Parable of the Good Samaritan. It’s about a man who’s attacked, beaten, robbed, and left half-dead by the side of the road. A priest and a Levite (the religious good guys) passed by without stopping to […]
Continue readingWho’s In The Looking Glass?
How would you live a life that “magnifies the Lord?” Our small group looked this week at the passage known as “The Magnificat,” or Mary’s song of praise. In Luke 1:46 (ESV) she says, “My soul magnifies the Lord.” One of the discussion questions asked how you’d go about living a life that “magnifies the […]
Continue readingMaybe This Is Why People Are Unchurched
Our pastor recently stated that I live in one of the most “un-churched” communities in the U.S. I’m not sure how closely church attendance correlates to an authentic relationship with Jesus, but it’s worth asking why a large percentage of my hometown isn’t attracted to the message the institutional church offers. # # # After […]
Continue readingWhich Fear Is Worse?
Can you imagine doing work that placed your life in danger every day? Last evening our small group learned about the work of two missionaries who rescue kids from human traffickers. They offer medical care, love, and prayer to women in one of the darkest places on Earth. Their message of peace and freedom isn’t […]
Continue readingWhat’s The Fear?
What’s the fear? That’s my opening question this week in my workshop at Harvest Farm. I hope they don’t turn the question back at me. I’d rather discuss their fears than reveal mine. This week our small group looked at a passage from Philippians 1. Verse 27 says, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner […]
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