Last week (Are You Avoiding God?) I wrote about some guys who feared listening to God because He might ask them to do something they don’t want to do. I think they were afraid God would invite them out of their personal comfort zones. They were right. I thought about security as I watched some […]
Continue readingCategory: Living On Purpose
What’s Social About Justice?
I recently talked to a man who adopted a child from an extremely deprived background. His story was simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking. I was struck by the convergence of so many “social justice” issues in a single life. This child and his families dealt with racial prejudice, abuse, neglect, starvation, lack of health care, abortion, […]
Continue readingSemi-Regular Newsletter 4.25.2012
Recounting a great experience and sharing some exciting news: I invite you to check out the latest edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter.
Continue readingCounting Hidden Costs
Yesterday I asked What’s It Cost? My basic conclusion was to count the cost (Luke 14:28) because following a dream is an all-in deal. After reflecting on my own words (dangerous activity) I’m wondering if I asked the wrong question. Maybe we ought to ask: What’s the cost of NOT following the dream? A dream offers […]
Continue readingWhat’s It Cost?
What’s the cost of following a dream? Dreams aren’t free. You pay to follow a dream. Costs are measured in dollars, time, effort, and emotion. How do you decide if following a dream is “worth it”? Frankly, I don’t know how you answer that question. I suppose you can weigh anticipated risk against predicted reward, […]
Continue readingDo I Have To Choose?
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24) Which is more important in life—the journey or the destination? Paper or plastic. With us or against us. As I work on writing the […]
Continue reading300 Touches
Yesterday I posed this question: What if it takes “300 touches” for someone to be ready to really see and accept Christ? By a “touch” I mean an encounter, an impression, an interaction with Jesus. And of course there’s nothing magic about the number 300, but suppose it takes a certain number of touches for […]
Continue readingTouch #147
Do you think you can “lead someone to Jesus”? The speaker says, “I’ve personally led ___ people to Jesus.” Ever heard that sort of claim? I always get a bit nervous. I want to look around for scalps hanging on the wall or at least notches in a belt. I’ve never personally led someone to […]
Continue readingIt’s Not About What Happens
Which experiences have shaped your identity? That’s the question I left you with yesterday. It’s prompted by my opportunity to talk to some students this morning about Experiences That Shape Our Identities. I think I understand the teacher’s point. She wants me to tell her kids about my story and how it impacts my self-image. […]
Continue readingObedience And The Easy Good
Are you obedient? Our small group is studying Mark’s gospel. This week we read these verses: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found […]
Continue readingWho Nurtures The Seeds?
Note 1: My friend Jon Swanson is leading an online Lenten devotional based on Mark’s gospel. I recommend that you check it out as a way to prepare intentional for Easter. Note 2: My small group is also doing a study of Mark. That sort of “coincidence” leads me to wonder if I’m supposed to pay […]
Continue readingDo You Ask For Help?
Do you like asking for help? I don’t. Living in a wheelchair highlights my quest for the illusion of independence. I work hard to fashion my environment so I can “do it myself.” I don’t want others doing everyday tasks for me. I’d prefer to avoid asking for help. Accepting assistance when it’s offered is difficult […]
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