Watch How You Use SAG

On a cycle trip, SAG stands for “Support And Gear.” I’ve learned, however, that “SAG team” might have other implications since our team is entirely post-40. So in the interest of personal safety, I’ve adopted the French term soigneurs for our support team. On a cycle racing team, soineurs are responsible for the day-to-day needs of the cyclists–food, clothing, […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! An odd question brings us today’s word-of-the-week… LABELS “What kind of quadriplegic are you?” Seriously. Now I not only have to be labeled as a quad, but there are subcategories? I’m getting really tired of labels. The guy’s sister just had a car accident and he was seeking information. Parents relayed a ton of […]

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God And Baseball

Sandy Koufax is a quiet, reserved man. From 1960-1966 he was arguably the best pitcher in major league baseball. On October 6, 1965, Koufax declined to pitch the opening game of the World Series. Sandy Koufax is Jewish, and that day was Yom Kippur. I remember being dumbfounded by the news. Fourteen-year-old me would have traded […]

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Not So Special After All

In my school classes like art and music were called “specials.” I always thought that was odd since math was the most special class of all. When you start attaching labels, weird things happen. Last week I called myself The Special Needs Guy on our team. A few folks, notably my friend Kristen, called me out. […]

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Living Or Recording?

Actor George Clooney hosts all sorts of people from all walks of life at both private and public events. At private events–large and small–he politely asks guests to leave electronic devices in pocket or purse so folks can simply enjoy their time together. At a large public event even famous people scrambled for “selfies” with […]

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Dog Years

I’m Monte, and yesterday was my eleventh birthday. I really don’t understand birthdays, because I’m just a dog. I got a few extra treats and some ear scratches, which I enjoyed. The best part of the day, though, was that Rich and I did our first really long run of the year together. I haven’t […]

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They’re All Shook Up

Everyone walked away. Five members of our team were on a training ride last week. A car passed, swerved, over-corrected, then rolled multiple times before slamming into a telephone pole. This all happened within fifty yards of our riders. Two guys ran to the car, expecting horrific injuries. Amazingly, both folks were able to climb […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A thirty year flashback prompts today’s word-of-the-week… WELL It is well with my soul! More than thirty years ago I made “public profession of faith,” one denomination’s way of marking adult commitment to Jesus. I was asked to choose a song, and I selected Horatio Spafford’s When Peace Like A River. I chose that song for […]

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