It’s Not About The Tree

Poor Charlie Brown. He wanted so badly to discover the true meaning of Christmas, but his friends were too caught up in their activities and busyness to hear his desperation. They decided the answer was to involve him in their craziness by having him direct a modernized version of the Christmas story. When that didn’t […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A thought from my friend Dick Foth inspires today’s word-of-the-week… SPACE Gratitude occupies a lot of space. Gratitude crowds out most other emotions. When you focus on the things for which you’re thankful, it’s difficult to find space for things like anger, hate, competitiveness, or greed. Want to try an experiment? Next time you’re feeling […]

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About Those Stories

So I wrote these two books. I never intended to be a writer, but God leads me in some crazy directions. Seems like one day I was helping kids learn math and suddenly we were opening a carton of books titled Relentless Grace written by some guy named Rich Dixon. Not exactly certain how that happened, but it sure wasn’t […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A dramatic conversion brings us today’s word-of-the-week… BUREAUCRAT The Holy Spirit isn’t a bureaucrat. That may be the strangest statement you’ve ever read, but think for a moment about how we expect God to operate. How often have we heard It’s not fair? Even when we know better, don’t we think some folks–mass murderers, terrorists, child […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! My Facebook feed, and a lot of temptation, brings us today’s word-of-the-week… WEAPON Jesus isn’t a weapon. He didn’t show up to give you and me the trump card in an argument. He didn’t give His life so I could make someone feel guilty for what I perceive as a lack of generosity. He didn’t offer […]

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The Heart Of The Father

I have a problem with human trafficking awareness events. I’ve attended a few of them, and I’d estimate that 80-90% of the people I meet are women. Most of the speakers are women. The majority of the organizers seem to be women. An observer might conclude that human trafficking, and sex trafficking in particular, are […]

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Who Is This Guy?

I take inspiration where I find it. One of my all-time favorite movies is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Mega-famous actors, cowboys, chase scenes, romance, drama, great music, even an iconic bicycle encounter with an angry bull…what’s not to love about a film in which Butch concludes another caper with the line, “Boy, I got vision, […]

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