Happy Monday! A question prompts today’s word-of-the-week… SINCERE Are we sincere about service? I’ve noticed that lots of folks are really good at telling other folks about the virtues of service. I’ve also concluded that I don’t place a lot of weight on the words of those who talk about while always being served. The guy […]
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We’re surrounded–and it’s a good thing. We’re surrounded by love, hope, faith, and generosity. FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR is a community, because that’s the only way something like this happens. I never stop being amazed by the power of a community to follow and accomplish big dreams. We all know about big-time corporate sponsors. They hope, in the long […]
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Fun, sunshine, and a lot of sweat brought some new folks into the FREEDOM TOUR circle last weekend at a place called Elephant Rock. More specifically, our team joined 7000 cyclists for a glorious day at the 29th annual Elephant Rock Cycling Festival. We officially unveiled the 2016 FREEDOM TOUR jerseys. They look great on a […]
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Happy Monday! A thought to ponder in today’s word-of-the-week… AMPLIFIED When I speak up on an issue that’s not my own, my voice seems to be amplified. It’s why the privileged must speak up for the oppressed. When one speaks up for himself, it’s expected. When someone else speaks for him, someone who has nothing personal to gain, […]
Continue readingThere’s Stories And There’s Stories
Everyone on the FREEDOM TOUR has their own story. It’s the tale of how we arrived at this point, what made us who we are. We spend a lot of time on the tour listening to each other’s stories. It’s the best way to open doors, get to know each other, and build a team. […]
Continue readingDo You Really Get A Fresh Start?
Initial comments on our spiffy new FREEDOM TOUR jerseys often involve the butterfly. Our butterfly comes from our friends at PROJECT RESCUE who operate the HOME OF HOPE. They’re with the kids every day, providing love, encouragement, security, and the daily care they require. They’re the “boots-on-the-ground” part of the worldwide circle of support surrounding our […]
Continue readingWho Remembers Story Problems?
If Train A leaves Station B going east at 60 mph, and Train C leaves Station D going west at 55 mph and the wind’s blowing north at 22 mph and the conductor’s eating a turkey sandwich…Arrrggghhhh!!! Who remembers “problems” like this from an algebra class? If you’re close to my age you likely raised […]
Continue readingMemorial Day
All over Facebook folks remind me today’s Memorial Day. All sorts of memes tell me I’m supposed to remember, and I agree remembering is a good thing. Memorial Day ought to be more than an excuse for a three-day weekend. But I wonder–what’s the point of remembering, if all we do is remember? Seems like […]
Continue readingWhat Inspires You?
At the FREEDOM TOUR, we cycle to bring hope and freedom to kids rescued from human trafficking. In three weeks our team will gather. I’m sure our discussions will touch on the darkness of slavery, sex trafficking, and the devastating effects of this insidious evil. One might think that ‘s what motivates us, that we’re […]
Continue readingI Hope We Win The Lottery?
Winning the lottery would be much easier than fundraising. Just buy a few tickets, hope for the magic numbers, and we could support the kids at the HOME OF HOPE forever. We could buy them a new building, give raises to the staff…the list is endless. All we have to do is hope. It’s right here […]
Continue readingSelfies And Team Pictures
Are you part of the selfie culture? I’m following my friend Scott Acton as he rides his bike around the world. I love getting blog updates (you can sign up here) and reading about Scott’s adventures, but the best part of his reports are the photos. You’d enjoy flipping through Scott’s pictures of the incredible scenery […]
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Happy Monday! A friend’s sermon title prompts today’s word-of-the-week… SENSE My friend Tom Roepke began a sermon series yesterday: When God Doesn’t Make Sense. I’m sure Tom’s got a great message in mind, but I chuckled when I saw his title. Seriously, God never makes sense. All that nicely worked out theology? The explanations we’ve concocted to rationalize the revealed actions […]
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