The Same Road

I get to do some remarkable things. Becky and I were able to spend the last four Tuesday evenings with some men and women currently living at the Fort Collins Rescue Mission. I shared some of our story and a bit of what I’ve learned about overcoming adversity. As always, the teacher learns from the […]

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Crowd Or Community?

Every year someone asks Becky and me why we don’t do RAGBRAI. If you’re not familiar, RAGBRAI is the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. Something like 10,000 cyclists ride about 500 miles across Iowa every year (since 1973) in the world’s largest bike-touring event. By all accounts RAGBRAI is a lot of fun. […]

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“But God…”

The circumstances he described were overwhelming. We occupied the corner booth at McDonald’s. Coffee for him, chocolate shake for me…Don’t judge, I just completed a 30 mile bike ride. Incredibly intricate tattoos covered his arms and neck. Weathered, scarred face showed the wear and tear of hard living. Drugs. Drinking. Gangs. Jail. Pain and loss […]

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Do You Love Fish?

I recently heard an interesting story about love. A man says he he’s eating fish because he loves fish. His friend replies, “So you love the fish so much…you removed him from the water, cooked him, and ate him? I’m not sure you love the fish. I think you love the way the fish tastes. […]

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We Need You (Yes, You!)

You belong. You’re part of what makes us–us. We couldn’t do this in quite the same way without you. We long for those words, don’t we? Belonging, love, being part of the circle–deep down, you and I want to be invited, to know we’re accepted and special and necessary. But we also have this tendency […]

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Looking In All The Wrong Places

I learned a lot from teaching. I learned, for example, that questions matter more than answers. I learned that good questions don’t always have one right answer and that answering great questions might lead to some discomfort. I learned that searching can be scary. There’s a story about a boy who seems to be looking […]

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