What do I need to learn from this? I like questions. This is a pretty good one. I wrote last time about the challenges of community. Any time you get a bunch of people together, working hard for a mission, things aren’t going to go exactly as planned. I have this tendency to “awfulize,” to […]
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The Good Life
Someone observed that Jesus, by most modern definitions, led a pretty empty life. No romance or children, no property or wealth, nothing we’d call a real career. By most standards, His life seems sort of unfulfilling. One exception: community. Jesus’ human life was filled with authentic friends. They did life together with all its flaws […]
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I did something unusual on our COLORADO MOUNTAIN TOUR – I rode my bike. If that sounds odd, riding a bike on a bike tour, remember I ride a handcycle and it’s a MOUNTAIN tour. But my teammates convinced me to give it a shot. I ended up riding only a single day due to […]
Continue readingMaking A Difference
Our last tour reminded me that I’m a starfish guy. You’ve heard the starfish story. A person sees a guy tossing starfish into the ocean. “What are you doing?” “Well, the tide strands all these guys on the beach. I’m helping, throwing them back so they don’t die.” “But there’s millions of them. How can […]
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Three days until blastoff. We’ll gather, load bikes and gear, and pile bodies into vehicles for the drive to Gunnison. COLORADO MOUNTAIN TOUR will be officially underway. For me, the days before a tour are a time to slow down and reflect. While everyone else scrambles with packing, shopping, and a thousand other details, it’s […]
Continue readingAbout Success
COLORADO MOUUNTAIN TOUR begins next week. Someone recently said they were praying for a successful tour. We need prayer for sure, but the comment has me wondering. What would a “successful tour” look like? For me, at least, success has little to do with cycling. And that’s an odd statement for the leader of a […]
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The Fourth of July – in the U.S., a day to celebrate our individual freedom. As a white middle-class American male, I inherited historically unique personal liberty. I hope I never take that liberty, and those who sacrificed to secure and maintain it, for granted. However, these days “freedom” has a different connotation for me. […]
Continue readingWhat I Feel Like
I used to think the perfect retirement meant doing what I felt like doing. Work? Fine. Play? Fine, too. Take a nap? Travel? Watch TV? Retirement meant doing what I felt like doing when I felt like doing it. I quickly learned that “when I feel like it” isn’t a recipe for a meaningful life. […]
Continue readingAbout Love
At our church, we’re fond of saying we love our city. It’s a way of stating our commitment to serve where we live. Our missions team isn’t just involved “over there,” we’re embedded in service work within our community. It occurs to me that loving my city, or my church, is relatively easy. The hard […]
Continue readingToo Much Gratitude
Ever feel like you need a better way to say, “Thank you?” Maybe it’s an odd question, but last Saturday a small army of people created an amazing experience called FREEDOM TOUR 2022. Seems like I’ve spent the last few days telling people, “Thank you.” Somehow, it’s not enough. A team worked behind the scenes […]
Continue readingCoyote Or Kingdom?
I read Seth Godin’s blog nearly every day. I don’t know where he finds his ideas, but I’m consistently amazed at his insight and creativity. Recently, Seth observed that the coyote was obviously immortal. He referred, of course, to Wile E Coyote, the cartoon nemesis of the Road Runner. Falls off cliffs, crashes into walls, […]
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I want the FREEDOM TOUR to change the world – for Jesus. What I really mean, of course, is fix the world. Or at least end human trafficking. Still a bit aggressive? Then let’s at least save 22 kids. Surely we can do that, right? For Jesus? Except, Jesus never asked us to do any […]
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