
Happy Monday! My friend Clark Osborn inspired today’s word-of-the-week… NUANCE Clark made a simple statement: “Always” is almost always wrong. He’s mostly right. I tend to seek the central theme, the big idea, the captivating sound bite. Social media feeds this obsession—we’re all trying to capture our deepest thoughts in 140 characters. Life, of course, […]

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Wanna Join Us?

Suppose you could bring hope and freedom to victims of sexual exploitation by riding your bike through beautiful country with a team of cool people. What could be better than that? On June 22, 2013, a team of about twenty cyclists will roll out of Fort Collins for U COUNT Front Range Tour 2013. We’ll […]

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The Right Kind Of Light

I love the “social” part of social media. So often when I share an idea, someone out there offers something that gets me thinking deeper or in a slightly different direction. Last time I concluded with this thought: If you shine a light into a dark place, everyone, including you, sees a bit more clearly. […]

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Want More Light?

We debriefed the Florida tour with friends a few evenings back and someone asked an interesting question. “How do you keep from getting dragged down by all the pain and need you encounter, especially in the groups you spoke to on this trip?” NOTE: I’m posting this on both sites. Apologies–and gratitude– to those who read […]

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Giving Away Light

We debriefed the Florida tour with friends a few evenings back and someone asked an interesting question. “How do you keep from getting dragged down by all the pain and need you encounter, especially in the groups you spoke to on this trip?” Good question, and as usual I didn’t have an immediate response. I […]

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Happy Monday! Since yesterday was Easter, today’s perfect for this word-of-the-week… AFTER After the big event—the weekend retreat, the important conference, the big bike tour—what happens after? Have you had that feeling? You come home from the life-changing experience and there’s the laundry and the bills. The next morning the alarm clock goes off just […]

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The Days Before Easter

I have a difficult time with the days before Easter. For most of my life I think I minimized the suffering and death of Jesus. I figured it wasn’t quite as horrible for Him since He was God. I somehow thought that provided some sort of protection, as though He suffered but not really. Now […]

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Should I Laugh Or Cry?

One of my most profound childhood memories happened the night before my Grandpa’s funeral when I was twelve years old. A large collection of family and friends gathered in Grandma’s small apartment. There were enormous quantities of food and an endless supply of adult beverages. Elmer was a colorful character who lived a big, full, […]

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