
HAPPY MONDAY! A casual compliment prompts today’s word-of-the-week… MINE When you visit a church with a trailer and an 80 lb. people magnet, a lot of people ask what you’re up to—usually after they pet the dog. After I explained the basics of RICH’S RIDE to one guy he exclaimed, “Your ministry is really cool.” […]

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What’s Hope Look Like?

How do you talk about hope without talking about God? It’s a common question as we travel and tell our story to audiences that aren’t always church-based. How do you tell a faith story without faith words? I think the answer lies in one of my favorite admonitions: Always preach powerful sermons. If absolutely necessary, use […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! We’re on the road for today’s word-of-the-week… CHURCH We spoke at a church yesterday—at least they said it was a church. It used to be a house, before it was an office. The address? First building south of the gas station. We had to ask for directions. No pews, no stage, no fancy […]

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When You Do The Simple Stuff

Some problems are complex. Want to end world hunger, stop human trafficking, or wipe out poverty? I wouldn’t know where to begin. But feeding a hungry child? That’s pretty simple—you provide some food. Hal Donaldson, co-founder of Convoy Of Hope, tells of meeting Mother Teresa in the early 1990’s. She asked him what he’d done […]

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How Many Showed Up?

How do you measure success? For many speakers, lots of people = success and two people = not so much success. Yesterday we scheduled a speaking gig, sort of last-minute, at Crossroads Coffee House in Cross Plains. Everyone was invited, and we spent the evening with the owner and one of her baristas. Failure, right? […]

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