Haters Gonna Hate, Right?

We should be careful with the word hate. One of my relatives recently became somewhat famous (details here). This week his home town had a “day” for him–mayor read a proclamation, key to the city, the whole cool small town deal. And of course there was an article in the local newspaper. So someone just had to jump […]

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Not For Everyone

“This thing isn’t for everyone.” When I got my Master’s degree in counseling, I recall the turmoil caused by the required course in statistics. As a math guy it was an easy class for me, but many of my classmates struggled and fussed and bemoaned the need for such torture. They wondered why they couldn’t […]

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Can You Imagine?

Have you watched A.D. The Bible Continues? I caught a random episode last weekend and got absolutely caught up in one scene. On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace […]

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There’s More To The Story

From Gary Haugen, founder of International Justice Mission: “When you survey very, very poor communities, residents will tell you that their greatest fear is violence.” “The problem is not that the poor don’t get laws, it’s that they don’t get law enforcement.” “In Bolivia, for example, if a man sexually assaults a poor child, statistically, […]

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In 60 Days

In 60 days, the 500-mile journey begins. We’ll raise our helmets, climb on our bikes, and crank south out of Cheyenne on highway 85. A casual observer might think FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’15 begins with the first pedal crank. The observer will see bright green jerseys, smiles, and high-fives. He’ll wave and perhaps offer […]

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Who Dug Those Wells?

“This place was empty when we arrived.” How often have you heard some version of that? It’s the American dream. The self-made man, the business built from scratch, the idea developed in solitude. It’s the ideal of self-sufficiency. I did it myself and so should you. FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR didn’t exist before Becky and […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A lesson in grace brings us today’s word-of-the-week… BETTER Ursula Ward had just heard the verdict. Former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez was guilty of murdering her son, Odin Lloyd. She stepped forward to speak before final sentencing. “I forgive the hands of the people who had a hand in my son’s murder, either […]

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Voluntary Hidden Taxes

Yesterday was Tax Day in the U.S. We know taxes are necessary, and we like to complain about them to some degree. But the taxes that hamper us most aren’t financial, and many are voluntary. Consider the fear tax. It’s exacted every time we limit our opportunity due to fear of something completely beyond our control. […]

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The God Who Sees

Hagar was a slave and and she was in a mess. Some of it was her fault, some of it wasn’t. But now she had run away into the wilderness. Pregnant and alone, she waited by a stream to see what might happen. An angel of God appeared and delivered a surprising promise. He told her to […]

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Blessed Be The Peacemakers

From Ian Morgan Cron, CHASING FRANCIS: I’ve confused being a peace lover with being a peace maker. A peace lover is someone who enjoys the absence of conflict, but a peacemaker is someone who is proactively engaged in works of reconciliation in every sphere of life, from the personal to the global. Is being an […]

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How Do We Open The Circle?

Becky and I visit a lot of new places in our travels. As an introvert I’m sensitive to insider-outsider feelings. Regardless of words or size, I often get a sense about whether the circle is open or closed. I work at being aware and moving past that initial tingle, but it frequently proves to be pretty accurate. […]

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