Fixing Bikes, Making Friends

The best thing about the FREEDOM TOUR is sharing it. In fact, that’s one of the main reasons for doing it. We want to create a community that empowers people to trust God, work together as servant leaders, and offer hope to others. So we look for ways to expand the circle. Several guys from Harvest Farm […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A word I never use is today’s word-of-the-week… APPEASE I heard the word in a sermon, but I’m far too familiar with the concept of trying to appease God. When you lay it out, it sounds silly. Appeasement means paying God off. If I give God something that pleases Him, He’ll give me something […]

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Why I Don’t Rescue

Ever feel like you needed to rescue someone? As a new teacher, I was sure I had a lot to offer. The students needed me. They needed what I had. I was the outside expert parachuting into their world to save them from their ignorance and give them what they couldn’t possibly get for themselves. As […]

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…don’t always have to mean dead. Becky and I don’t enforce deadlines very well. We seek excuses to make exceptions whenever possible. Occasionally we ask ourselves where we should draw the line. I suppose that’s one reason to have a clear vision statement: Create a community that empowers people to trust God, work together as servant leaders, […]

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He’s Always Been There

From Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert: When Helping Hurts We are not bringing Christ to poor communities (or other communities victimized by injustice). He has been active in these communities since the creation of the world, sustaining them “by his powerful word” (Heb 1:3). Hence, a significant part of working in these communities involves discovering and […]

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Unexpected Encouragement

Sometimes I get it partly right. Friday during my ride I got caught cranking up a pretty steep hill. I’m much better than I used to be, but I’ll never be able to climb hills well due to some combination of a 35-lb bike and partially-functioning back/shoulder/arm muscles. I’m not alone–all but very elite handcyclists struggle with […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! I wonder what you think about today’s word-of-the-week… FIT   I heard recently that a big problem with churches is that people don’t feel like they fit in. I suppose we’re supposed to conclude that churches need to morph and change to conform to the times. Do you agree? More and more I have […]

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Shoes And Bike Rides

Yesterday I wrote about my friend Josh. I asked us to walk in the other guy’s shoes, and you may wonder how that relates to a bike ride. After all, we’re rolling, not walking, and what does Josh’s story of addiction rehab have to do with human trafficking? Earlier this week I spoke with a guy […]

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An Angel Might Show Up

I tend to turn following Jesus into an intellectual exercise. Our small group discussed this verse a few days ago. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2) We all agreed on the need to be more aware of […]

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