Oldest Trick In The Book

If you’re not on our side, you’re on their side.

Draw a line in the sand. Rally the troops. You’re either one of us, or you’re one of them. And we all know what they’re like, right?

A line in the sand arbitrarily reduces complex issues to black/white, yes/no. We all know most important matters involve nuance and shades of gray. It’s a false choice. You and I don’t have to pick a side of someone’s line, just because they say so.

We might decide to just skip the whole discussion. Distract yourself. Watch some TV, take a bike ride. Heck, post a few cat videos. Anything to avoid engaging with someone’s arbitrary demand. Nothing wrong with deciding not to fight every battle.

Sometimes, though, the issue matters. So how do we engage without picking sides?

Take A Stand

Jesus is never about picking sides or rallying support. He’s about bringing people together, but that doesn’t mean He was wishy-washy. He invites us to stand with Him for eternal principles. Love. Hope. Justice. Grace. Sacrifice. Hope. Relationship.

Jesus spoke about “where to stand” in a story about wise and foolish builders. The wise builder chose a solid foundation. The foolish man who built on sand got washed away.

Remember that line, the one somebody said was a big deal? Remember where he drew that line?


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