
Happy Monday!

Two ways of framing a question brings us today’s word-of-the-week…


Monday“How can someone do that to another human being?”

Good question. When we see torture, slavery, child sexual abuse, it’s easy to wonder what special sort of evil invades the heart of a person who perpetrates such vile, unimaginable acts.

Good question, but not a helpful one. No real answer, nothing we can do in response.

“How can I remain idle while someone does that to another human being?” is a better question.

Now I have some skin in the game. I’m responsible.

Not for everything, but for something, for what’s in front of me.

Once I know, I can’t un-know. I have to take action.

It’s Monday. Might be a good day to focus on doing what we can, where we are, with what we have.

Have a great week!

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