

A bunch of cute kids who rang our doorbell last Saturday bring us today’s word-of-the-week…


MondayThey were all over our neighborhood.

We know they’re make-believe as we toss candy in their bags. The superheroes, princesses, goblins, and monsters are just the kids from down the street. It’s all in fun. Nobody’s afraid of them, because they’re not real.

The fear industry constantly knocks at our door dressed in monster masks, but they’re after something a lot more valuable than bite-sized chocolates. They want our principles.

They want us to believe Jesus was wrong, that our fear justifies violence and marginalizing or dismissing those who are different. They gain a great deal of money, power, and control from our fear of those make-believe gremlin masks.

The fear industry is lying, of course, but some of the masks appear awfully real. Even when you know it’s a mask it can still creep you out.

Jesus said, “Take courage. I am. Don’t be afraid.”

It wasn’t about never feeling fear, pretending to be brave when some scary gremlin shows up. He doesn’t want us faking it.

Jesus wants us to “take courage” from Him so we can face the fear rather than being controlled by it.

“I’m afraid” is a powerful, freedom-producing statement, especially if we can figure out what we’re afraid of. If it’s a neighborhood kid in a costume (which it usually is), we can laugh.

If it’s something real, we can choose to face it with courage.

It’s Monday. What gremlins in fake masks have you been allowing to control you? Might be a good week to let go.

Have a great week!

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1 thought on “Gremlins

  1. Mike - November 2, 2015

    John Stossel Fox News had a great program this past week about fear and how our government uses fear to try and influence us into believing something and the only solution is a government program and more money.

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