Independence Day

Tomorrow’s the Fourth of July.

In most of the world that’s just another date. In the US it’s our national birthday.

July 4th is Independence Day, the day we officially celebrate our freedom from British rule. It’s a day for patriotic music, parades, flags, and lots of great food.

Freedom is a pretty good excuse for a party.

Independence Day is a day to be thankful for the liberty we enjoy and grateful to those who’ve sacrificed to secure it. It’s an occasion for reflection about the different forms of liberty and freedom we so frequently take for granted.

This year, Independence Day holds a new meaning for me as a result of our association with International Justice Mission and the IJM Freedom Tour.

As I consider my own freedom, I can’t avoid thinking of those for whom freedom seems a distant impossibility. While I watch baseball and munch hot dogs, millions carry the burden of slavery and children are trafficked into forced sexual bondage.

As long as this injustice is allowed to flourish, no one can truly be free.

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