… will never get it.
Whatever “it” is for you—maybe a dream or a passion or an idea—some people will never get it.
As we get more media attention for Rich’s Ride the common question is “Why?” And no matter how carefully I explain, the headline says something like “Guy Rides To Raise Money For A Worthy Cause.”
Nice—except for me this ride isn’t about raising money. It’s nice that it’s happening. Feeding starving children is great. But it’s not the point of the ride. I didn’t take this risk to raise money.
I suppose it’s natural to want others to understand, but I suspect it’s a losing battle. As I tell folks about my dream, it seems like a few understand almost before I begin explaining. Others never grasp the foundation, no matter what I tell them.
Those who get it … get it. Those who don’t may never quite comprehend.
It’s inevitable. It’s YOUR dream or passion or idea. It’s wrapped up with your unique identity.
Imagine how Jesus felt. He had a vision, and He explained it clearly, but nobody, not even his closest friends, really understood. He didn’t allow their struggles to keep Him from following a road He perceived clearly.
What I’ve learned—stop explaining and start doing. You don’t need permission or approval or understanding. What you need is to chase your dream, pursue your passion, develop your idea. Some folks, often exactly the right ones, will come along. Some will never get it.
It’s okay.