
Happy Monday!

I hope you’ll join me in today’s word-of-the-week…


Saturday morning I met a hero. That doesn’t happen every day.

Becky and I went to Denver to look at a new hand cycle. At the Top End booth we met Paul Schulte. As Paul prepared for his game in the national wheelchair basketball championships, his wife told us an inspiring part of Paul’s amazing personal story.

Despite all Paul’s accomplishments, he and Meghan always dreamed of having a child. It’s one dream they weren’t sure they could realize.

In this instance, one picture truly is worth a thousand words.

It’s easy to get caught up in our own stuff, to forget that there’s something bigger and more important going on. Watching Paul with his son reminded me to try to look through a wider lens.

I’m re-inspired. I hope you are as well.

Have a great week!

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