
Happy Monday!

This weekend’s tragedy in Japan inspires today’s word-of-the-week…


Tens of millions of Japanese awoke to an everyday Friday. Then a devastating earthquake and an even more catastrophic tsunami turned their world upside-down.

I know that feeling. Twenty-three years ago I decided to put some simple Christmas lights on my house, and a freak accident changed everything.

Last week I faced the prospect of additional spinal surgery with an uncertain outcome. All of this teaches me one undeniable fact:

Stuff happens. Things change, and often there’s not much warning and not much we can do about it.

And you can’t really prepare for it. You can’t prepare for a tsunami or a spinal cord injury. Sometimes horrible changes happen and you have to decide how you’re going to respond.

Some changes are exciting, some are heartbreaking. Sometimes we celebrate, sometimes we endure, and sometimes we throw up our hands in despair.

But change happens, and much of it doesn’t make sense.

I know God’s absolutely sovereign, and I don’t understand why He allows such events. I suppose it has something to do with the broken creation, but that seems a little simplistic for someone whose life and lived ones were washed out to sea.

Change happens. I know God works for good in even the most difficult circumstances. I know He wants me to trust Him and do my best to respond as His Son’s follower.

Often that’s not what I want. But it’s enough.

This week will bring changes. How will you respond?

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