Do you think God can use you?
Actually, that’s sort of a silly question. Of course God can use me or you. He’s God; He can do whatever He wants.
The real question is “WILL God use us?”
I’ve been thinking about this question in the context of my bike ride project. If you’re a regular reader you know I have a hard time saying for sure that “God wants me to do this.”
I’m just not sure most of the time that I can read His mind or that He speaks to me that clearly about the details of my day-to-day life. I have a sense that He wants me to take responsibility for a lot of that. I tend to think He wants me to use my gifts to live an interesting, productive life that lines up with the principles of serving and following Jesus. If I do that to the best of my ability and continually seek His guidance, I trust that He’ll fulfill the promise of Romans 8:28.
We’re facing some marketing/branding questions about the ride. We’ll get them resolved, but this morning it occurred to me that perhaps God cares less about the details than the fact that we sincerely want Him involved in the process. Maybe He’ll work through the creative skills and experiences of the people involved to help us find the best solution.
So how about you? What’s a decision or dilemma you face right now? What’s a choice you’re trying to make, a great adventure that seems to be calling, and you’re wondering if it’s something God will use or how He’ll use it?
I have no way of knowing, but my guess is that the best way to find out is to ask Him.
No resume required
But here’s something I’m pretty sure about: you don’t need to worry about being specially qualified. Churches have a way of giving the impression that you need some kind of credentials, maybe a bit of extra holiness or a little skill or knowledge or some kind of heavenly glow around your head.
None of that’s necessary. God’s pretty much capable of using anyone to do anything, even if they don’t want to be used. So don’t worry about being qualified. God can handle that.
You also don’t need a special “Christian” mission. You don’t have to go to Africa or open a soup kitchen or sell all of your possessions. God uses people right where they are, in families and businesses and schools and all kinds of everyday places.
Relentless Grace is the story of people God sent onto my path who refused to let me quit on my life. They mostly didn’t know the impact they were making, but God used their kindness, compassion, and love to change the course of my life.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
In ALL things…I think that includes injuries and hand cycle rides. I think it includes whatever you’re doing today.
That’s kind of an amazing thought, huh?
What’s happening in your life that perhaps you wondered about God’s involvement? Do you need to ask Him in?
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