
Happy Monday! Two weeks until Christmas—I hope you’re experiencing the peace and joy of the season. We had a Christmas party this weekend that inspired the word-of-the-week…


A friend brought his eighteen-month-old daughter to the party. I watched as she checked every Santa and squealed with joy. She touched each reindeer, looked carefully at the village, and pointed at the stuffed animals. Each decoration seemed to prompt wide-eyed wonder.

I was reminded that this is a holiday for children and children at heart. It’s awfully easy to get overwhelmed with the busyness and lose that magical sense of excitement. I think we see just another Christmas, sort of a same-old-same-old attitude that causes us to go through the motions and rituals without really letting their meaning penetrate. We put up the same lights, see the same people, and it can all become sort of routine.

Nothing was routine for my friend’s daughter. It was new and interesting and full of magic. It was all a source of wonder.

Of course she eventually settled on a favorite object. Surrounded by special, fancy, meticulously crafted decorations, she latched on to one of the dog’s toys and refuse to let go of it all evening.

Wherever you are, I hope this week ignites at least a small bit of wide-eyed wonder for you.

Have a great week.

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