Small Business Saturday

Happy Weekend!

I’m told that today is a brand new holiday. This very day has been branded “Small Business Saturday.” SBS is our opportunity to kick off our gift shopping by supporting the small businesses that have struggled through recent economic hard times.

I’m not sure we need another “special” day, but supporting small business is a wonderful idea. It’s great to save a little money and time clicking on the big-box websites, but maybe today would be a good excuse to visit a small business and give them an important gift—a portion of your holiday shopping dollars.

And it just happens that I have a suggestion, an opportunity to celebrate SBS and support one of the smallest businesses around—me!

I want to get a bunch of copies of Relentless Grace into the hands of readers who need hope, encouragement, and faith in new beginnings. As I said in my last newsletter, I believe in the power of this story. But the words don’t make a difference when they’re sitting in boxes.

  • We all know folks who’d enjoy an inspirational story with a subtle romantic twist. (Guys—think about those ladies!)
  • We all know people who wonder where God went in the midst of a crisis.
  • We all live near a detention center, shelter, or nursing home where people seek hope and meaning.

Books pass through many hands, especially those donated to jails and shelters. You may never know who was touched by the story, but I’m confident God will get your gift to someone who’s ready to listen to Him. I’m just asking for your help in reaching out to those who need to know about God’s Relentless Grace.

I’ll spare you the cheesy sales copy. No “last-minute blowout” or “inventory reduction at sacrifice prices.” But I will share a comment from a young lady who wrote to me after I spoke at a jail last summer (shared at her request).

I read your book the first day I was locked up. Someone gave it to me, and it totally changed my outlook. I’ve made a lot of really bad choices, but after reading your story I knew I could start over. I’m using my time here to learn to know God again. When I get out in a few weeks, I’m not looking back. They need more books like that in here. Thank you.

I’m just naive enough to believe she accepted God’s invitation to give hope another chance, because I believe that’s how He works to change hearts and lives.

Thanks for your comments, notes, and support. You encourage me, and I don’t say “thanks” quite enough.

Happy SBS! Here’s a button that’ll let you include Relentless Grace in your gift-giving (at ridiculous, never-seen-before prices).

In addition to your purchase, you can help a lot by recommending this book to friends on Facebook and Twitter. Your word-of-mouth is the best word of all.

Have a great weekend. And happy SBS!

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