
Monday Monday, can’t trust that day,
Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way

Do those words from an old song describe how Monday feels to you? If so, maybe this word-of-the-week will help …


Does your life ever feel out of control, too busy, too far to go and not enough time to get there?

I suspect the problem isn’t “busy.” I like being busy, having lots of interesting, worthwhile stuff going on.

I think the problem is what Chris Brogan calls “blur.” It’s not that we’re doing a lot, it’s that we’re doing a lot all at once. We never focus on one thing long enough to really enjoy or appreciate it because we’re juggling a dozen other things at the same time. It all becomes a blur.

I’ve always believed that “multi-tasking” is really “no-tasking.” It’s an illusion, pretending to do several things at once while really doing none of them well. Each task takes longer, and frequently needs to be re-visited.

If whatever you’re doing is worth doing, then it ought to be worthy of your full attention. If you’re doing something else while trying to listen, you’re not really listening at all. If you’re talking on the phone, cooking dinner, and herding kids, I suspect you’re not really doing any of those tasks well, and you’re certainly not enjoying any of them.

What if we decide to really DO whatever we’re doing at the moment? What if we cut out a few unnecessary distractions? What if we shut out some of the noise in the background, eliminate some of the inputs that bombard us from every direction?

I know it’s tough, and probably not always possible. But I also know we have more control of our time and attention than we think. If we eliminate some of the blur this week, perhaps we’ll find a bit of the clarity we need to do well the stuff that really matters.

What can you do to being a little more clarity to your week?


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