
Happy Monday, and welcome to word-of-the-week day at Bouncing Back. Today’s word is:


Ever get a great idea, mess with it, dream about it, develop a bunch of possibilities, talk to others about it—everything except actually doing something about it?

Ever see something really fun and think, “I couldda done that?”

Ever wonder why folks with inferior ideas get so much more accomplished?

Yeah—me too.

The difference between thinking and talking about something and actually doing something with it is execution.

It doesn’t matter what’s involved. Maybe a business idea, a program at church, a hobby you want to develop—it might be as simple as cleaning off your desk or deleting old files from your computer. But until you execute, it’s all just unproductive use of brain space.

What do you want to move from the “wish I would do it” pile to the “did it” pile?

Here’s to a week of less wishing and more execution.

This is also Word-of-Mouth Day, when I kindly encourage (or, from your perspective, pester) you to help spread the word about Bouncing Back. Today’s tip:

Forward the link to someone who might be interested.

Thanks for all of your help and support. Word of mouth is the BEST word of all.

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